There is a huge stigma surrounding homelessness in which people ignore the person in front of them and instead choose to only see the stereotype. It is time to change the face of homelessness, removing stablished stereotypes and the invisibility of many.
I was looking into how and where the homeless community sleep and whether or not this contributes to the stigma, because although they are invisible to most, when asleep they are no longer invisible and are suddenly seen as a burden.
The name ‘blank’, is based around the idea of white and it’s possibilities, it is appropriate to the brand as this is the concept behind the brand and it’s ‘Colourful Possibilities’.

The advertising campaign had to be bold and like the rest of the brand visuals, images of homeless people weren’t to be used to avoid conforming to stereotypes and in turn contributing to stigma. I used the idea of using physical space to convey a message instead of the person themselves. It plays on the idea that everybody loves their bed, as it is their own and a place they feel safe. For the homeless community, whether they are on the streets or hidden, they don’t have this luxury.